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Summer Camps: Frequently Asked Questions
[learn_more caption=”What is NCAL’s camp refund policy?”] Full payment is due by two weeks prior to the start date of selected camp. A $100 processing fee will be retained if you cancel your child’s reservation and do so two weeks prior to the start date of camp. There will be no refunds for reservations cancelled within two weeks of the first day of camp except at the discretion of a camp director. [/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”How old does my child have to be to attend camp?”] Our camps cater to the following age groups: 5-7 (*Campers must be able to use the restroom confidently and on their own); 8-12; 12+. [/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”How much animal interaction will campers get?”] As a working animal welfare organization, we provide care for animals with a wide variety of personalities, behavioral and medical needs. Although campers/students will see animals during their program, we cannot promise a certain amount of direct animal contact.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What should my child bring with them to camp?”] Please provide your child with a snack, lunch (*NUT-FREE only) and a water bottle each day. We will be in touch with you after registration and payment is complete with more details about planning and preparation to make sure you and your child are all set for camp.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What if my child has an aide who will come to camp with them/Does my child need an aide to join them at camp?”] We welcome children with different needs and seek to create an inclusive environment that is accessible to all children. However if your child has special needs and requires close one-on-one support, an aide should be provided in order to ensure that their camp experience is a positive and enriching one. Please email lusana@ncal.com once you have registered to let us know if your child has an aide, along with their full name and contact information.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What if my child is being picked up by someone other than me during camps?”] For safety purposes we do not release children at pick up time to anyone not listed on the “authorized to pick up” list. We check ID daily at checkout time. To add someone to the authorized list, you must include their name, contacts and any other relevant information during registration. If you are adding someone to the list after registration has been submitted, please email lusana@ncal.com.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What if my child has allergies or medical needs?”] Once you complete payment, you will receive an email with a link to complete detailed information about your child as well as release of liability, among other things. Please be sure to provide their allergy/medical information during that process. Kindly note that we will have daily exposure to common allergens such as hay, pollen and pet dander. If your camper has strong reactions to any of these, please reconsider enrolling them in our program.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What COVID-19 safety protocols are being followed at camp?”] All of NCAL’s COVID-19 safety protocols are updated in accordance with local CDC recommendations as they come. Masking is currently optional during any outdoor NCAL programming (if you would like your child to wear a mask during outdoor activities, please inform their camp counselors during drop-off). While inside NCAL premises, all campers, staff and visitors are required to wear masks, regardless of their vaccination status.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”Where do camps take place?”] All Horsemanship Camps take place at NCAL’s Equine Center. Humane Heroes and Be a Vet Camps take place at NCAL’s Pet Adoption Center.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”Who leads the camps?”] All our camps are led by qualified teams consisting of NCAL staff members and camp counselors.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What do I do if I want my child to attend camp with their friend(s)?”] During registration there is an ‘additional comments’ section. Please make a note of who you want your child to be in the same camp with – include their friend’s first and last names, as well as parent contacts. We are unable to guarantee group placements as your child’s friends may be registered with a different camp. For Horsemanship Camps, children are grouped according to their skills and riding levels, so this option may not be feasible.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”What if my child has medication that will need to be administered during their camp hours?”] Camp staff or counselors are unable to administer medication to a child (besides first aid approved by parents/legal guardians). If your child needs medication during their camp hours, a parent or authorized guardian will have to be present and administer it for them. [/learn_more]
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